Final Good-Bye

Hey everybody! So in the past I’ve talked abotu quitting but I never have. Well, for once it is truly going to happen. First off, I made a lot of good friends and some I will continue to talk to even after I quit but some things to know, is not my real email,ย  just a PD one so I will no longer check it since it is not needed any more. And my twitter account.. I will no longer be going onto that account either since it was for PD only. Thanks to all those friends that were always there supplying such a great friendship and to my blog members; PLEASE continue to run this web site even after I leave. It was so much fun running it and I really don’t want to see it shut down. I’d like Angel to be the new owner because she was one of the first blog members, me being the only one at the blog before her. One last thing: Some people were spreading rumors about me and tiger, those people know who they are and my friends know what about. You guys need to shape up before some one else quits. And for all those friends I met on PD, I hope to some day talk to you guys again!


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14 Responses to Final Good-Bye

  1. Amber says:

    You’re really gonna let rumors do this to you? okay if its what you want and if its the best to you then…. I guess this is goodbye…. well you were a good friend! Have a nice life…. (not in a sarcastic or rude way)

  2. Maddy says:

    Dude you shouldnt let get rumors to you. I mean i know rumors are hard and all but still. No offence but you should of said bye to us. Anyway its up to u. You were an awesome friend though, will miss seeing u on pandanda but the days does end eventually i suppouse. Take care of yourself and good luck in school and the outside world.

  3. Munchy it wasnt because of me wasnt? Im going to start to cry…please dont go…

  4. Alex says:

    Bye dude

  5. TigerFur says:

    He’s already gone ox, no it wasn’t because of you.

  6. Icycold1 says:

    ๐Ÿ˜ฅ u gone forever on everything (pandaspace, pandanda, etc)? Just to let you, You were One of my best friends on pananda ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  7. What was the rumour?! and plus even though we never talked, I will still miss you man! ;'( Good luck in your life!

  8. darkangel9 says:

    if you let things get to you like that, it means they have won and they must never win.
    but still go on panda even its to say hello.

  9. AvrilLaving2 says:

    Well, goodbye Munchy, even though you never met me on PD, I’m AvrilLaving2. I’m just looking at blogs, and yours looks really helpful and cool. Good luck with your life! =]

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